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Acomiadem a un gran veí de Lloret de Mar
•L’ANTONIO MORENO PARRA va morir ahir 28 · 09 · 21. Havia nascut fa 90 anys a Arcos de la Frontera (Cadis). Estava casat amb Manuela Pajuelo Ruix i els seus fills són Manuela i José Antonio. La missa per al seu comiat s’oficiarà a les 16:00 d’aquest dijous 30 · 09 · 21 a la capella del Sant Crist del Cementiri de Lloret de Mar. Dencansa en Pau, el nostre més sentit condol a la família i amics des de Lloret Gaceta
Well The spanish car drivers always thinks that the traffic laws are not for him. 40 % of the cars in spain does not fulfill the law. Either insurance is not paid, ITV is not made etc etc… Lots of radars make you aware of following the law. I do think the level of the fine should be the more fines the more expensive. People that work with there cars should have a lower fine. It exsist inteligent radars who could distingue between who is who. Are you aware of that per capita dies 400 % more people in traffic in Catalunya than in province of Berlin Stockholm. Catalunya has per capita 200 % the accidents of Madrid !! Latest ECC survey 2021.